Find duplicate files in Linux

Let’s say you have a folder with 5000 MP3 files you want to check for duplicates. Or a directory containing thousands of EPUB files, all with different names but you have a hunch some of them might be duplicates. You can cd your way in the console up to that particular folder and then do… Read More »

Share folders and subfolders with Dropbox in Linux

Dropbox is a nifty little application that lets you sync and share files on the Internet and between several computers. Want to send a movie to a friend? Use Dropbox. Want to have a common folder for pictures that you and your girlfriend can update on different computers? Use Dropbox. The problem with Dropbox is… Read More »

Use “at” to schedule launching of commands in Linux

You can execute a task at the time you want it to launch by using at. Let’s say you want mplayer start playing a movie at 12:42. Do a at 1242 A command prompt will appear where you can type the command you cant to execute at 12:42 mplayer movie.avi Next, press Enter then press… Read More »

Use MPlayer to record live streams from the Internet

All you need to record a live stream from the web is MPlayer. Use the -dumpstream argument to capture a MMS, ASF or Live WMV stream to a file called stream.dump. For example: mplayer -dumpstream mmsh:// will create a stream.dump file that you can later rename to my_recorded_stream.wmv.Note: this will not work with Flash-powered streams.