Two Yakuake-style terminals for GNOME

A drop-down terminal can save you a lot of time. Always handy, it appears when you press a combination of keys on your keyboard (usually a plain-and-simple F12 key). KDE has Yakuake. Since some people chose to use only GTK-based applications and are GNOME-bound, similar applications for GNOME users would be Tilda and Guake. They… Read More »

Hide the desktop icons in Gnome

To hide the icons that show up on the Gnome desktop, launch gconf-editor and go to apps > nautilus > preferences. Uncheck the box at the right of show_desktop and close gconf-editor.

Find out what RAM type you have in Linux

To check what RAM memory type yo have installed (and also see other useful information about your system), do a sudo dmidecode Depending on the version of dmidecode you have installed and the hardware configuration you have, each hardware device will have a certain type number assigned t it. On my machine, the RAM has… Read More »

Change the color of your Linux prompt

You can change the color of your BASH prompt to red with this command: export PS1=”\e[0;31m[\u@\h \W]\$ \e[m” To make the change permanent, create a .bash_profile in your home directory (if one isn’t already present): touch ~/.bash_profile and paste the line directly into the file. Save and close. For other colors please see the attached… Read More »