Tag Archives: passwords

Reset the MySQL password

You forgot your MySQL password. No problem, you can recover it easily. Stop the MySQL service with # /etc/init.d/mysql stop …and restart it without a password: # mysqld_safe –skip-grant-tables & You’ll get an output similar to [1] 5958. Now press Enter and type the following one after the other: # mysql -u root mysql> use… Read More »

Generate random passwords using Perl

If you have a server where you have to generate new passwords daily, the following script can automate the process: #!/usr/bin/perl my @alphanumeric = (‘a’..’z’, ‘A’..’Z’, 0..9); my $randpassword = join ”, map $alphanumeric[rand @alphanumeric], 0..8; print “$passwordgen\n” Run it with ./passwordgen.pl and it will generate random strings of charaters and numerals, 8 characters long:… Read More »