Tag Archives: GNOME

Keep your GNOME fonts organized

You don’t have to mix your favorite fonts with the ones that came with the system. Instead, you can make a .fonts folder in your home directory and drop all your new GNOME fonts in there.

Faster GNOME menus

If you find your GNOME menus rather slow when accessing them, you can greatly speed up things with echo “gtk-menu-popup-delay = 0” >> ~/.gtkrc-2.0 Alternatively, just edit the .gtkrc-2.0 file in your home directory and add the line gtk-menu-popup-delay = 0

Drag and drop in GNOME

GNOME allows a certain degree of freedom when it comes to drag and drop. For example, you can drag URL addresses from Firefox directly unto the desktop and GNOME will automatically create a link to the website. Same goes for text and images. Drag a text from a webpage and drop it on the desktop… Read More »