Controll the sound card from the CLI
Instead of using alsamixer, you can use the following to unmute the sound card: amixer set Master 100% unmute amixer set PCM 100% unmute
Instead of using alsamixer, you can use the following to unmute the sound card: amixer set Master 100% unmute amixer set PCM 100% unmute
The system beep can be really annoying sometimes. In Debian and Debian-based distributions like Ubuntu, you can blacklist it: sudo nano /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist Add the following at the end of the file: #speaker beep blacklist pcspkr Reboot and you’re all done. If you want to disable the system beep on the spot, you can do it… Read More »
If you want to convert some PDF files in JPEG format in Linux, you can use pdftoppm and ppmtojpeg. After you installed the two applications, do a ppm file.pdf file.ppm The result will be a PPM file for each page in the PDF. From here, to convert all PPM files in JPEG format do a… Read More »
GNOME allows a certain degree of freedom when it comes to drag and drop. For example, you can drag URL addresses from Firefox directly unto the desktop and GNOME will automatically create a link to the website. Same goes for text and images. Drag a text from a webpage and drop it on the desktop… Read More »