Quickly check an ISO file’s contents from the command line

Have you ever wondered if a certain file is in the first or second ISO you just downloaded? Use isoinfo to find out: isoinfo -l -i filename.iso |more You can also find out more about the ISO image by using isoinfo -d -i filename.iso |more

Umount stubborn devices

We’ve all been there: you want to umount a certain device and you’re being told the resource is still being used. Maybe you forgot to close the Nautilus window or maybe you are still accessing the device from the command line. To find out for sure, use fuser. If, for example, you can’t umount your… Read More »

Add extra SWAP in Linux

If, by any chance, you happen to run out of SWAP space in Linux and you desperately need it, you can use a temporary file to supplement: dd if=/dev/zero of=/swap1.swp bs=1024 count=512K mkswap /swaptemp.swp swapon /swaptemp.swp Now verify if the image file was successfully mounted: cat /proc/swaps

Convert videos to PocketPC format in Linux

To convert video files to a resolution that is adequate for a PocketPC’s screen, use mencoder. mencoder input.avi -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4:vbitrate=200:abitrate=48 -vop scale=320:240 -oac copy -o output.avi This will transform a typical 700MB AVI file into a ~200MB size file with a 320×240 pixel resolution. mencoder -oac mp3lame -lameopts mode=3:preset=24 -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4:vhq:vbitrate=384:keyint=250… Read More »