Check package dependencies with apt-rdepends

apt-rdepends is available on Debian systems and allows one to output the dependency list for a certain package. Use it with apt-rdepends package_name to get not only a dependency list but also dependencies of dependencies.

Save the output of a command using logsave

If you want to save the output of a certain command, and furthermore do it at preset time intervals, use logsave: logsave foo /bin/ls anaconda-ks.cfg apache foo install.log install.log. syslog and after that do a more foo Logsave is useful also because it prints the exact date and time of the event, before and after… Read More »

Copy images in Linux from the iPhone’s pictures folder

Linux applications do not yet support the newest 2.x Apple firmware for the iPhone and iPod Touch. But if you want to copy images from the Pictures folder, all you need is SSH installed on the device: scp root@*.PNG ~/Desktop/ This will copy all images from an iPhone that has the static IP directly… Read More »