Mount Windows shares like normal drives in Linux

If you want to have access to Windows shares and mount them like normal drives in Linux, use the smbmount command: smbmount “\\\\WINDOWS\\c” -c ‘mount /mount/Windows’ -I where “\\\\WINDOWS\\c” is the name of the share and /mount/Windows is the destination point. You need the Samba package installed for this as it contains the smbmount… Read More »

Make applications remember their last state in Ubuntu

If you want your most-used applications already opened when you boot up into your Ubuntu box, all you have to do is go to System > Preferences > Startup Applications and in the Options tab check the box next to “Automatically remember running applications when logging out“. Original tip source.

Search from the Linux command line

You can search from the Linux command line without using a CLI web browser like lynx or Elinks. All you need is the curl and html2text packages installed. Then you issue the following command: curl -A Mozilla |html2text -width 80 where you can replace Linux with another keyword of your choice. The results… Read More »

Update your Twitter status from the Linux command line

You can easily update your Twitter status from the CLI by using this one simple command: curl -u user:password -d status=”Your status message” where user is your username and password is your Twitter password entered in plaintext. Replace the text Your status message with anything you wish. If you want to pass 350-001 and… Read More »