Mount Windows shares like normal drives in Linux

By | August 12, 2009

If you want to have access to Windows shares and mount them like normal drives in Linux, use the smbmount command:

smbmount “\\\\WINDOWS\\c” -c ‘mount /mount/Windows’ -I

where “\\\\WINDOWS\\c” is the name of the share and /mount/Windows is the destination point. You need the Samba package installed for this as it contains the smbmount command.

One thought on “Mount Windows shares like normal drives in Linux

  1. Grant Wagner

    Now the question is, how to have a share mount on startup. Putting the following line in /etc/fstab will allow a user to do it, but removing the user option will not cause it to be loaded on bootup

    \\\DataHeap /media/server smbfs rw,user,suid 0 0


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