Category Archives: System

Keep your GNOME fonts organized

You don’t have to mix your favorite fonts with the ones that came with the system. Instead, you can make a .fonts folder in your home directory and drop all your new GNOME fonts in there.

Squeeze out information about your hardware

There are a lot of ways to find out information about your hardware in Linux. From the simplest free or lspci to a more detailed information like the one the follows.Open up a console and type sudo dmidecode | more You’ll get specifics on the motherboards serial number, chassis manufacturer and other useful stuff likeā€¦ Read More »

Check your laptop battery in Linux

If you run Linux off a laptop, you might want to check your battery status alt least once a year: grep -F capacity: /proc/acpi/battery/BAT0/info This will output something like design capacity:         7800 mAhlast full capacity:      6414 mAh