Category Archives: Security

Be sure that what’s deleted is really gone

If you really want to zap a file in Linux and be sure that it can’t be ever recovered, use the shred command. shred -u -z -v filename will not only delete the file but also overwrite the sectors it resided in 25 times, making recovery impossible.

Generate random passwords using Perl

If you have a server where you have to generate new passwords daily, the following script can automate the process: #!/usr/bin/perl my @alphanumeric = (‘a’..’z’, ‘A’..’Z’, 0..9); my $randpassword = join ”, map $alphanumeric[rand @alphanumeric], 0..8; print “$passwordgen\n” Run it with ./ and it will generate random strings of charaters and numerals, 8 characters long:… Read More »