Category Archives: Multimedia

Convert eBooks in Linux

Say you just bought an Amazon Kindle or a Barnes and Noble Nook. You want to convert your eBook collection to .EPUB or .MOBI format. For this, install Calibre. The application not only provides you with a graphical way to manage your eBook collection, but also comes with a set of useful command-line tools. One… Read More »

Batch resize images using the command line in Linux

If you have a ton of images that need resizing, you can do it all with the imagemagick package:cd /home/user/imagesmkdir resized_imagescp /home/user/images/* /home/user/images/resized_images Now that you have a copy of the files in resized_images, time to resize them all: mogrify -resize 800 *.jpg This will resize them all to a width of 800px while keeping… Read More »