Minimize any GNOME application in the system tray
You can do this by installing AllTray. Once you start the software, a window will pop up asking you to click on the application window you wish to minimize.
You can do this by installing AllTray. Once you start the software, a window will pop up asking you to click on the application window you wish to minimize.
You can do this by installing cpulimit. You can limit a certain running application either by name or by process ID: cpulimit -e firefox -l 30 This won’t let Firefox go beyond a 30% CPU usage limit. If you’d rather go by process, you can do it like this: cpulimit -p 3493 -l 40 This… Read More »
The Update manager in Jaunty tends to show up unexpectedly now and then. You close the window by reflex. But what if you didn’t have to cloes it anymore? Disable the application’s pop-up window by launching gconf-editor then go to apps > update-notifier and uncheck the auto_launch value.
It can be irritating sometimes. The Terminal “beep” sound. When you try to auto-complete a command with the Tab button you can hear it and you can never find enough time to set it off. Here’s how: Open up Gnome TerminalGo to Edit > Profile PreferencesUncheck the Terminal bell option. …and you’re done 🙂