Author Archives: T4L

Realtime statistics of your Linux system

If you wish to monitor your Linux system in realtime, use dstat. Use a man dstat to see a list of possible options, since they are extensive and dstat can output system usage, memory usage, load times, network information, NFS, therman, VMWare, CPU, sendmail and MySQL usage, among others.Try dstat -tamn -M topcpu where -tamn… Read More »

Record Live Radio using only Mplayer

Did you know that you only need MPlayer to record a live radio station? Use mplayer http://ip:port/ -ao pcm:file=radio.wav  -vo null -vc null to dump a radio.wav file of the audio stream. You can later convert it to MP3 using LAME or Audacity.

Install XBMC in Ubuntu 10.10 (Maverick)

XBMC Media Center currently doesn’t have a Maverick repository. So, to install it in Ubuntu 10.10 you need to do a sudo add-apt-repository ppa:team-xbmc then Alt+F2 and type synaptic then hit enter. In Synaptic go to Settings > Repositories > Other Software and edit the two lines referring to XBMC. Instead of maverick type lucid… Read More »

Linux – Top 10 CPU-hungry apps

If you want to find out which applications you run eat the most of your CPU, run the command below: ps -eo pcpu,pid,args | sort -k 1 -r | head -10 This will display a top 10 list of those processes, starting with the hungriest at the top.