Tag Archives: files

Quick and easy sharing of a directory over HTTP in Linux

Say you want to share a folder for a friend. What better way than pointing him to an URL? Put this in your .bash_profile and login to your account. alias webshare=‘python -c “import SimpleHTTPServer;SimpleHTTPServer.test()”‘ Now cd to the directory in question a do a simple webshare command. That folder will be accessible from any browser by typing http://your_ip:8000Alternatively, you… Read More »

Find files larger than a given size in Linux

Using the command line, you can search for files larger than a given filesize using find /path/to/dir-containing-files -type f -size +1024k This will search for files larger than 1MB (1024k). Use multiples of 8 to change the filesize number.

Convert YouTube FLV files in Linux

If you downloaded a Flash FLV file and want to convert it to an audio or video file, do the following: For audio: ffmpeg -i input.flv -ar 44100 -ab 160 -ac 2 output.mp3 For video: ffmpeg -i input.flv -s 352×288 -b 512 -ab 128 output.mpg